Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Hierophant tarot

The Hierophant represents the archetype of the spiritual world, it is the card of beliefs, religious and otherwise. The Hierophant hides secret or hidden knowledge, but he insists that you follow his rules to access it. If you pick this card in a reading, it often refers to groups, convention or tradition - it carries the concept that the good of the group is more important than the good of the individual. Restrictive? Perhaps, but sometimes restriction and discipline lead to order, peace and knowledge, whilst individuality run wild can lead to anarchy.

On this card the images of Christ and Buddha represent spiritual teachings and traditions, the group of men, a secret society with hidden knowledge, the hands, prayer and the symbols of all religions, that knowledge is not restricted to one group.

A Course In Miracles perspective.

The Course teaches that it is indeed through the discipline of mind training that peace and true freedom come. It is the ego that insists on individual identity, but that it lacks an understanding of how the world works. What we do to others we feel, what we give is what we receive. The secret knowledge is that judgement separates us from one another, and it is in communion that our peace lies.

"The ego values only what it takes." Ch 25, ll, 9, ACIM

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