Monday, March 5, 2012

The Empress tarot

The Empress represents the physical body and the material world, the pleasure of the senses and the abundance of life. The world of he Empress is beautiful and ideal - she is beautiful like the flowers, fertile like the soil. She can be seen as Mother Earth. She possesses the power of creation - the archetypal mother. She loves her creations. She practices unconditional love; loving everything equally.

If this card appears in a reading, open yourself up to unconditional love, become more gentle and affectionate, see all beings as your brothers and sisters.

A Course In Miracles perspective.

The Course teaches that you must first love someone, and then you can know them. Judgement of any kind will keep you separate from your brothers and sisters on this journey, and it is only through communion with each other that we find the Truth - Love.. like the Empress!

"Can you imagine how beautiful those you forgive will look to you? In no fantasy have you seen anything so lovely.Nothing you see here, sleeping or waking, comes near to such loveliness."
Ch17, ll, 1, ACIM

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