Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Sun tarot

The Sun is always there after a long, dark and lonely night, promising light, warmth and growth. Neither a blinding flash, nor a subtle glow, the Sun is warm enough to give life, and brings us pleasure, just to sit in it. The spiritual traveller must find balance between extremes, creating a state of balance and calm. In a chaotic world the Sun predictable, reliable a still point of assurance.

In this image we see the sheer joy of warm and freedom found in the sun's rays, the woman riding. We see the timeless reverence for the sun's eternal presence, Stonehenge and the Indian god, The beauty and life created by the light it gives, the sunflowers.

A course In Miracles perspective,

The ego is insane and out of balance, fluctuating between littleness and grandiosity, self righteous attack and depression or disillusionment. Sanity is calm balance, never attacking, always forgiving.. if not immediately, eventually.

"Where could your peace arise but from forgiveness." Ch 24, 5, 3 ACIM

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