Monday, February 13, 2012

The "Fool" tarot

The Fool is the spark that sets everything else into motion, inspiring the first step towards fulfillment and completion. The first step is the most important step on any journey, but a lot of people are too scared to start. If the Fool card comes your way, this is the message.

The Fool is pure potential, clear and innocent, neither positive nor negative, but containing the potential for both. The Fool's approach to life is a strange and unconventional one, he does what is right for him. The Fool will live his way despite what others may think. He is fearless and true to his own path.

In this card the images represent risk and fearlessness, the tight rope walker and cliff hanger. An upside down perspective, the hand stand. Joyful innocence at play, the child blowing bubbles, and lurking in the corner the social mask that disconnects from the Fool's message.

A Course In Miracles Perspective.

Comparing oneself to others and coming up short is a classic characteristic of the ego. A nagging sense of failure at not achieving the goals of the world and a fear that there's something inherently wrong with you is a classic sign of separation. We are each unique yet equal and our true desires lead us along our path home.

"How instantly the memory of God arises in the mind that has no fear to keep the memory away." CH 28,13. ACIM

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